Social Media helps Actors and Models


There are some new dynamics that really did not exist before in Hollywood. That being Social Media.

Today and in the future Social Media is a huge factor in landing roles.

The larger your social media the more marketable you are to a production. You bring FREE fans and attention to a project. YOu can create your own star power.

“Hollywood movies are being cast based on how many social media followers actors have – Gemma Arterton ” (1)

Therefore, new actors need to develop an effective use of social media. They need to do that early in their career. Actors need to look at ways to gain fans, engage those fans,  and keep those fans.

It is not longer about just taking a fine headshot and then handing it off to some agent. You have to be creative and take action.

“We’re casting actors who’ve got big followings because they’ve got big followings, So the studios can use their followings to sell the movies.” – Emma Thompson (1)
